Staubitz Group

Thore Klüwer

  • doctorate researcher
  • room 209
  • Otto-Hahn-Platz 4
  • phone: +49 431 880-3697 (office) / +49 431 880-1926 (lab)
  • mail: tkluewer [at]

Thore graduated from Johannes-Brahms-Gymnasium in Pinneberg in 2017 and started his B.Sc. in chemistry at the Kiel university (CAU) the following year. In 2021 he finished his bachelor thesis in the group of Prof. Herges working on the introduction of ortho-phenylacetic acid functions in diazocines for photopharmacologic purposes and subsequently received his bachelor's degree. During his master's programme he worked as a research assistant and went on a study exchange to Japan for five months. In 2024 he completed his master's degree in the working group of Prof. Peifer with a thesis about the design and synthesis of a photoswitchable fluconazole-azo-derivative. For his PhD he joined the Staubitz group in 2024 focusing on the synthesis and characterisation of azobenzene-based materials, particularly photobendable polymer films.