Research Projects: Molecular Assembler

In nature complex biomolecules are synthesized by molecular machines (NRPS) powered by ATP. We are following the principles of nature with the design of light-driven molecular assemblers. They drive systems away from thermodynamic equilibrium to build up more complex structures. Thereby light is converted to chemical energy. In a mixture of compounds the desired reactants are selected and guided along the preferred reaction channel to form complex molecules which could not be obtained in a spontaneous process.

Key Publications:

Thermodynamic and kinetic stabilization of divanadate in the monovanadate/divanadate equilibrium using a Zn-cyclene derivative: Towards a simple ATP synthase model
H. Sell, A. Gehl, F. D. Sönnichsen, R. Herges, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2012, 8, 81-89.

Towards a light driven molecular assembler
H. Sell., A. Gehl., D. Plaul, F. D. Sönnichsen, C. Schütt, F. Köhler, K. Steinborn, R. Herges, Commun. Chem. 2019, 2, 62.

August 2012

Beilstein-TV Reports on Molecular Switches from SFB 677

A podcast from Beilstein TV reports on the design, synthesis and characterization of new molecular switches from the workgroup of Prof. Dr. R. Herges.

click image to watch video on Beilstein TV

The new switches are based on the diazocine switching unit, which itself is an improved azobenzene. Upon irradiation, the substances not only undergo a color change, but the less flexible molecular structure enables their application as a molecular synthetic machine.

The Beilstein TV movie gives an insight into the process leading from an idea and computer-based development to an optimized synthesis yielding new molecular switches.

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